This blog is about how you can get free pro version of tube buddy.
Here are the huge benefits of this FREE Plug in to YOU
1) Anyone who is a fan of mine knows that I ALWAYS stay in touch with my fans. So of course my favorite feature of Tube Buddy is that I can go to my subscribers panel and see all of the users who have subscribed to me. Then from that page I can just click the Tube Buddy button and directly message my new subscriber from a list of PRE MADE welcome messages.
Then after I hit send, it shows a GREEN dot so I know I have already messaged the user AND it automatically moves to the next subscriber in the list and I repeat. 
2) You can make a UNIQUE thumbnail for your video so you get more clicks on your video. Everyone knows the thumbnail is one of the biggest secrets of gaining a video click on Youtube.
It allows you to choose still frame from your video, a solid color, or an image. Then you can even add layers of text and any font. You do it ALL on Youtube. I used to have to take a screen shot of the video, open Photoshop, import it, edit it, export it, go to YouTube and upload the thumbnail. Not Anymore!
3) One of the coolest features of any software I have ever seen. In One click you automatically put an annotation/pop up INSIDE of ALL of your other videos that say “Check out my latest video.” Doing this used to take me 30-45 minutes. Now it’s done instantly!
4) One click to AUTOMATICALLY add a link into the description of EVERY Youtube video you have that has a link to your latest Youtube Video upload. Again… this used to take me 30-45 minutes because I have SO MANY videos!
5) One click share button to post your video to ANY social media network. It also tells you if you have already shared it on that network or not. Pretty neat.
6) There are a TON of other features that all save you TONS of time. A side from getting Tube Assist to market your videos, you should get Tube Buddy to help optimize your Youtube channel so you can constantly gain momentum