In this blog we will discuss about 5 secrets features of android phone.So let's start.
1. Windows Animation Scale
Go to settings>developer option>windows animation scale
and make 05x to make your phone work faster.
2. Inactive Apps
Go to settings>developer option>inactive apps
and disable all inactive apps.It will boost your phone.
3. Aeroplane Mode
Turn your phone into aeroplane mode or switch off your phone
while charging to boost your charging.
4. Double Tap
Go to settings>display & lights>double tap
and enable double tap to turn on your screen with touble tap.
(if your phone don't have double tap feature just download the
app from playstore).
5. Increase Speaker Volume
For this you need to root your phone.
Go to ES file explorer enable root and goto
and search for speakers and change the value as you like.
Keep Enjoying !!