If you are also passionate to earn some income on the internet they you have come to the right place.In this blog i will tell you the full guide to Earn Money online using youtube.
First of all you need to have a gmail account,then sign in with your gmail account on youtube.com .After that Create a channel and name it as per your choice.Name should be about which your videos or topics will be.Like i have my channel name "TECHNOCRAT" which is all about latest tech ,tips ,and more about Technology.After creating channel update a channel logo and album art.
After that upload 1video,a trailer for your channel.
Then Go to www.google.com/adsense
It is an ad company owned by google.It will provide you ads for your youtube channel.
Now go to youtube and at the right corner click on your channel icon and click on creator studio.After that in left side click on channel and enable monetization.Then open monetization tab and click on the ad adsense account link.It will redirect you to the adsense account there you just sign in and your channel ID will be automatically filled their after that follow on screen procedure and you are done.It will take some days to approve your adsense account.
When your adsense is approved start uploading your videos and start monetizing with ads and start earning.
To Approve your Google Adsense Account In One Day
Visit Blog :http://www.channeltechnocrat.com/2016/12/how-to-approve-google-adsense-in-one-day.html
First of all you need to have a gmail account,then sign in with your gmail account on youtube.com .After that Create a channel and name it as per your choice.Name should be about which your videos or topics will be.Like i have my channel name "TECHNOCRAT" which is all about latest tech ,tips ,and more about Technology.After creating channel update a channel logo and album art.
After that upload 1video,a trailer for your channel.
Then Go to www.google.com/adsense
It is an ad company owned by google.It will provide you ads for your youtube channel.
Now go to youtube and at the right corner click on your channel icon and click on creator studio.After that in left side click on channel and enable monetization.Then open monetization tab and click on the ad adsense account link.It will redirect you to the adsense account there you just sign in and your channel ID will be automatically filled their after that follow on screen procedure and you are done.It will take some days to approve your adsense account.
When your adsense is approved start uploading your videos and start monetizing with ads and start earning.
To Approve your Google Adsense Account In One Day
Visit Blog :http://www.channeltechnocrat.com/2016/12/how-to-approve-google-adsense-in-one-day.html